Estate Planning
A legal process in which a law firms assists an individual in the preparation of a Will or trust document.
Estate Planning
Estate Planning is the legal process in which a law firms assists an individual in the preparation of a Will or a Trust document. This provides asset protection from creditors and transferring assets to family members when the person dies, reducing or eliminating federal estate taxes or managing a person’s assets when he or she becomes disabled. One main purpose of estate planning is the avoidance of inheritance taxes.
Why does an individual want to avoid probate court?
What is a Will?
Our law firm provides legal representation to individuals with asset protection by the preparation of a Trust and other documents like Wills, Power of Attorney, Living Wills and designation of a Health Care Surrogate.
What is a Trust?
A Trust is a legal entity which holds property for the benefit of a beneficiary. The Trust will also indicate who will be the Trustee who will manage the assets. The Trustee can be a family member, a friend or professional trustee. A Trust can have several benefits which include a reduction of estate taxes, protection from creditors, reduce the length and expense of probate, and immediately transfer assets to beneficiaries at the time of death.
What is a Power of Attorney?
This is a legal document which gives an individual the power to act on behalf of another person. The most common type is a durable power of attorney which is used when a person becomes incapacitated. This document will allow a person to pay bills, make medical decisions, execute contracts, sell or purchase property.
What is a Living Will?
A Living Will is a written declaration directing the providing, withholding, or withdrawal of life-prolonging procedures in the event a person has a terminal condition, has an end-stage condition, or is in a persistent vegetative state.
What is the purpose of having a health care surrogate?
If you are facing a situation involved with Estate Planning, call for a consultation with Attorney Juan J. Mendoza.

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Practice Areas
Contac Us
Riverview Corporate Center
27299 Riverview Center Blvd.
Suite 102
Bonita Springs, Florida 34134
Tel.: (239) 262-0427
Fax: (239) 262-0710
email: [email protected]